Guidelines for Development in 2009 by the Colture and Tourism Bureau, Miaoli County
- 1.To develop local literature and to improve library management, the government is determined to:
- diversify the collection in public libraries to meet different needs.
- assist the operation of local public libraries in a sustainable manner.
- improve information services of public libraries with a well-constructed, user-friendly search network.
- organize educational activities in public libraries and encourage lifelong learning.
- foster young talents in local literature
- 2.To upgrade wood-carving creation and to promote local special colture, the government takes the responsibility to:
- hold 2009 Sanyi International Wood-carving Festival
- organize domestic and international wood-carving workshops.
- organize the exhibition for International Wood-carving Festival to facilitate international exchange.
- organize the exhibition for the winning works in the wood-carving competition during the festival.
- assist individual exhibitions of contemporary artists and joint exhibitions organized by Sanyi Wood-carving Association, Taiwan Wood-carving Association and Taichung City Scolpture Association.
- organize a tour exhibition on selected wood-carving works in the “mobile museum”, the special exhibitions in the terminal of Taoyuan International Airport and in the exhibition hall of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
- invite famous wood-carving craftsmen to demonstrate wood-carving live and to give an introduction on the appreciation of the up a list of contemporary craftsmen and publish materials about individual and special-featured exhibitions and the winning works in the competition.
- build up a list of contemporary craftsmen and publish materials about individual and special-featured exhibitions and the winning works in the competition.
- 3.To coltivate aesthetics in daily lives, the government aspires to encourage art performances and exhibitions by:
- Organizing tour performances for artists.
- Facilitating international exchange and bringing local artists to the international stage
- Encouraging new talents to join traditional opera performances.
- Training new performance groups (e.g. bands).
- Promoting Hakka folksongs and colture
- Organizing the 2009 Miaoli Grand Exhibition, including 1. an art competition on the theme of “the Essential Miaoli,” 2. a tour exhibition of local artists to other counties, 3. an exhibition relay sponsored by local artist associations, 4. a joint exhibition of guest artists and 5. a publication covering all the related events.
- Examining and assisting the set-up of public art decorations in local government agencies and public schools.
- Recruiting volunteers to help implement these plans.
- 4.To develop community colture, the government aspires to:
- assist and sponsor promotional activities in collaboration with other organizations according to local customs.
- organize all sorts of seminars and workshops and publish “Miaoli Colture Express” for the promotion.
- draft out new construction plans for local communities to encourage community improvement.
- construct a local custom exhibition hall to integrate local coltural resources.
- organize activities to preserve and encourage innovation in traditional handcrafts.
- hold promotional and sales expos on Miaoli special food.
- sponsor and organize important coltural events and festivals.
- 5.To preserve and pass down coltural heritage, the government is devoted to:
- the discovery, preservation and reuse of coltural assets, such as ancient architectures, relics, customs and traditional art.
- the categorization of pervious researches on local history and the publication of related materials.
- the registration, preservation and education work on local dialects and traditional crafts.
- the organization or sponsorship on activities, including seminars and academic conferences that encourage coltural exchanges with home and abroad.
- the set-up of a website and a digital information database to showcase the features of all ethnic groups in Miaoli County.
- 6.To promote and market tourism in Miaoli, the government will:
- work on the discovery, development and management of local resorts and the related resources.
- supervise the operation of local scenic areas, amusement parks and bathing beaches.
- publish more promotion pamphlets for tourists’ reference.
- recruit and train local tour guides to provide comprehensive services to visitors.
- release announcements on the investment and construction plan of Hoolong Seaside Resort to encourage participation from the private sector.
- organize activities to promote development of tourism in Miaoli.
- establish tourist information center to provide convenient and usefol services.
- license the exploitation, management and business operation on local hot spring.
- promote recreation industry and draft out a plan to build up an colturally-enriching environment.
- 7.To effectively manage the operation of local accommodations, the government actively engages in:
- the registration and relicensing of hotels and B&Bs.
- regolar check on local accommodations to maintain high quality services.
- works that ensure public safety.
- fostering a better connection with the hotel union to promote government policies in the hope of maintaining high quality services and raising awareness on public safety.
- the promotion of legal and good accommodations and the establishment of a set of standardized criteria for assessment.
- enhancing coordination among all competent agencies.
- the licensing of exploitation, management and business operation on local hot spring.
- 8.To enhance the quality of tourism, the government will invest more on:
- the maintenance of the public facilities in local scenic areas and resorts
- the set-up of hot spring pipelines and related outdoor facilities
- the construction of a tourist information website and the set-up of tourist road signs and billboards
- the public facilities in local scenic areas and resorts.
- the construction of MiaoBei Auditorium
- the construction of a bridge across Ming-Te Reservoir